Training & Capacity Building

Capacity Building projects, provided by EEE-YFU to its member organisations, encompass offering life-long learning opportunities for volunteers and staff in a form of trainings, seminars and multi-phase capacity building projects.
EEE-YFU over the decades has gained extensive experience in non-formal education and has become an expert in intercultural learning. One of the long-term aims of the EEE-YFU Strategic Plan is to develop member organisations’capacity to have strong and competent networks.
Through trainings, seminars and multi-phase capacity building projects member organisations are supported to deliver high-quality, relevant educational intercultural activities and retain strong networks.

Additionally, in the times when societies worldwide are changing rapidly and trends like increasing nationalism, xenophobia and shrinking civic space are threatening the idea of a tolerant and peaceful world, EEE-YFU recognises that young people increasingly need to develop intercultural competences to prosper in today’s world and play a role as active global citizens. Hence, EEE-YFU’s continuous aim is to develop and expand educational offers, providing capacity building projects which foster intercultural dialogue, global citizenship and values of tolerance and non-discrimination, such as, e.g., Colour Our World (Coloured Glasses 2016 Project) or Global Waves (Global Citizenship 2017 Project)


Through offering trainings, seminars, workshops and longer, multi-phase capacity building projects, EEE-YFU aims to:

  • Equip youth workers with competences that are crucial to effectively run intercultural educational activities and support the work of YFU organisations
  • Contribute to increase volunteers’ and staff’s motivation, retention and feeling of community through providing life-long-learning possibilities
  • Strengthen YFU organisations by supporting them in enlarging their volunteer base.

    • Offer opportunities to the YFU network for cross-border collaboration and exchanges of best-practices
    • Empower youth workers to act as multipliers thus creating ripple effects
    • Support the development of intercultural competences in young people in order to foster intercultural dialogue, global citizenship and values of tolerance and non-discrimination by offering innovative and inclusive learning opportunities with strong educational content.